Building digital capabilities in FE and Skills: East Durham College

In October 2022 Andrew McFadyen, senior consultant at Jisc, joined Ellen Fishwick, teaching excellence manager, and Lee Kennedy, digital skills lecturer, at East Durham College's CPD day to support the introduction of the discovery tool to their business support staff.
The tool was demonstrated to four groups of staff who were then supported to complete a question set and download their personalised report. The aim of the CPD session was to begin creating a culture of digital development to enhance the teaching and learning at experience at the college by rolling the tool out to business support staff, who would in turn support curriculum staff in the future.
The data from these CPD sessions will be used to target future CPD activities and training and give staff opportunities to develop their skills and build on their strengths. While the pilot is currently running with a focus on support staff at the college, the future roll out will include teaching staff and potentially students.
It's early days for the discovery tool at East Durham but Lee and Ellen are keen to develop a staff development process from the data it will generate and are excited for the future, Lee said:
We love the idea of it identifying areas to develop that the member of staff actually wants to learn. With the discovery tool creating a bespoke learning for them (staff) they can record this as part of their CPD for the academic year, it's absolutely amazing
Lee Kennedy, digital skills lecturer
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