Individual digital capabilities
The following short animation from the University of Derby explains why it is important for people to think about developing their digital capabilities (download animation transcript) (pdf).
Building digital capabilities framework: the six elements defined
What it means to be digitally capable will vary for each person. It will depend on the requirements of their role, their subject specialism, career choice, personal and other contextual factors. Our Digital capabilities framework looks more closely at what this means for individuals.
The six elements of this framework are:
- Digital proficiency and productivity (functional skills)
- Information, data and media literacies (critical use)
- Digital creation, problem solving and innovation (creative production)
- Digital communication, collaboration and participation (participation)
- Digital learning and development (development)
- Digital identity and wellbeing (self-actualising)
Download our individual digital capabilities framework
- Building digital capabilities framework: the six elements defined (English, pdf)
- Fframwaith adeiladu galluoedd digidol: Y chwe elfen wedi'u diffinio (Welsh, pdf)

Building digital capabilities: the six elements defined image description
The diagram represents the six elements of the individual capability framework. Digital proficiency and productivity is at the centre of the diagram in a circle and it is surrounded by five coloured wedges: 1) Digital creation, problem-solving and innovation; 2) Digital learning and development; 3) Information, data and media literacies; 4) Digital communication, collaboration and participation; 5) Digital identity and wellbeing.
Role profiles
In addition to our overall digital capabilities framework: the six elements defined, and to recognise the different needs and ambitions of individuals, we have developed a series of role profiles for roles typically found in colleges and universities. These role profiles are used in the customised versions of our discovery tool. They provide a useful tool for reviewing skills individually or across teams.
See our role profiles for:
- English: Teachers (HE) / Welsh: Athro (AU)
- English: Teachers (FE and skills) / Welsh: Addysgu mewn (AB)
- English: Students (HE) / Welsh: Myfyrwyr (AU)
- English: Learners (FE) / Welsh: Myfyrwyr (AB)
- English: Researchers / Welsh: Ymchwilydd
- English: Learning technologists / Welsh: Technoleg dysgu
- English: Educational developers / Welsh: Datblygwr addysgol
- English: Library and learning resources service staff / Welsh: Staff y gwasanaeth llyfrgell ac adnoddau dysgu
- English: Digital leaders / Welsh: Arweinydd digidol
- English: Professional services staff / Welsh: Gwasanaethau proffesiynol
- English: Research manager / Welsh: Rheolwr ymchwil
Find out more
See also our briefing papers for senior leaders and practitioners on digital wellbeing
Our series of narrated PowerPoint presentations provides a more detailed overview of the digital capabilities framework for individuals, how it came about, how it has evolved, how it is structured and our focus on how digital capabilities relate to educational settings.