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Digital wellbeing - the impact of technologies and digital services on people's mental, physical and emotional health

Digital wellbeing is a term used to describe the impact of technologies and digital services on people's mental, physical, social and emotional health. It is a complex concept that can be viewed from a variety of perspectives and across different contexts and situations:

  • Individual perspective: personal, learning and work contexts: this involves identifying and understanding the positive benefits and any potential negative aspects of engaging with digital activities and being aware of ways to manage and control these to improve wellbeing
  • Societal or organisational perspective: providers of digital systems, services and content have a responsibility for ensuring that these are well managed, supported, accessible and equitable. They also need to empower and build capability in users so that all who engage with them are equipped to do so in a way that supports and/or improves their wellbeing
Model showing four aspects of digital wellbeing for individuals (Jisc, 2019)

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Online workshops

  • Supporting learners’ digital identity and wellbeing - this online workshop explores the ways in which technology-enhanced learning can support the development of learners’ digital identity and wellbeing. This workshop is aimed at curriculum staff and other professionals involved in supporting the welfare and support needs of learners (for example, from the library, learning technology, learning support or employability teams).